Friday, August 8, 2014

The "do-it-as-you-go" challenge.

Thanks for stopping by!

I created this blog solely because of a Sims 3 challenge I just completed that I fell madly in love with. I feel the need to share it, tell the people who made it how fantastic they are, and convince any Sims fan I can to DO IT. And I might just have to find more challenges now that I'm hooked in. I've tried plenty of challenges before, but most of the rules were things I did to my Sims on a normal day so they weren't very challenging. This one allowed me to view certain parts of my game in a way I never would have otherwise. And probably the best thing about it is you could repeat it and never have the same challenge. 
Anyway, enough babbling, let's get to the challenge. 

I started with male and female roommate sims, with the goal in mind of not quitting until both of my starting sims were dead. I did not use cheats unless I was told to, did not spend any aspiration points, only controlling my two main sims and using only one premium item (because I could not have survived without it. You'll see...)

 To begin, my male sim rolled uni-brow, evil and the name Santa Clause
My female sim rolled Ugly clothes, ugly hair and Workaholic. 
Meet Santa Clause and Sue Keen
Every three days I am required to roll an "event" out of a list already created from this link I gave you already but am posting again to drive home that you really should try this.

Day 3: Drafted. Have a Sim join the military.
Day 6: Sell a sims soul to Grim. Well, it was nice knowing you Santa Clause.
Day 9: Adopt as many babies as your household can hold.
Perk roll: Nothing

Day 12: Move to a new house. I could not afford an actual house so had to move to an empty lot. Do you know how hard it is to move 7 babies?
Day 15: Delete everything in your fridge and forage for three days.
For me, this is where it got interesting. This was the pits! But in a fun way that kept me on my toes. Here's how it went down... 

This also happened to be the birthday of 6 of my 7 babies. This took HOURS to accomplish. By the time they were toddlers, they were all really, really mad, hungry and tired. I managed to get all their needs up without the involvement of social services, and back into their swings.  Phew.

Then I called a babysitter and went hunting for a garden, which I found easily enough. But my sim was too hungry to harvest anything...
Knock on a random sims door, hung out in their house until one of them finally made food, stole it, and went back to the garden ready for my victory party. No. "Your sim is too tired" to harvest. Really? 

So I take a nap on a bench. Get up, start picking veggies and notice all of my children are almost dead. The babysitter tried to kill them. I mean seriously, you're a teenager. Don't you think you can handle a mere seven babies? Honestly.. So I run home and start trying to fix my babies before social services takes them all away. I managed just in time, my sim passed out twice in the process, but then she was able to eat some victory...garlic? Seriously! You picked garlic? 
Day 14 Build roll - Add an extra floor with at least a bathroom. I needed a new bedroom for my soon to be children anyhow, so I made it work. 

 Day 18: Roll twice! 
Perk: Get out of event free card!
Two rolls: Play three days on fast speed. (Used my card for this. I normally play this way most of the time, but with 7 babies...just no.) Adopt a cat. This was pretty much easy, since my babies were about to become children. They can take care of it.
Day 21: Aunt Flow. Sue gets her period and has to yell at everyone for three days. Anytime she wasn't peeing, sleeping or eating, she was yelling at her children. They all hate her guts.
This was also around the time my kitchen became King Arthurs Court.
Day 24: Free Mansion! Move in a neighbor. I skipped moving in a neighbor because my household was full.
This house comes complete with a glitch! A deer gets stuck in my bedroom every two days, and must be let out by deleting a wall section.

Day 27: Public school hater. Children and teens are never allowed to attend school again. This has a fun side effect by the way...try having seven children who five out of seven days a week, you have to treck all over a three story house to find so that you can scold each one of them individually. This took about 4 sim hours to complete.
Perk: Nothing
Day 28 Build roll: Nothing
Day 30: Sell a soul to grim!
 Who decided to hang around for awhile?
Down to six teens. If you're wondering what that is like, let's play a little game. Guess how many booby traps are on this floor!
Day 33: Buy a new house! Goodbye deer!
Day 36: Kill a sim
Perk: Get out of even free card. I'd like to save you buddy,, who am I kidding, I don't want to save you at all. Off to the newly built death room!
Day 39: Roll twice
Two rolls: I broke it. Roll everyday for three days. Take your household on a picnic. (Nothing like a rainy day picnic with a bunch of kids who hate you.)
Day 40: Write a Book. Pay no attention to the chaos in the background.
Day 41: Fast forward broken for three days. This was bar none the worst part of the challenge for me. I almost rage quit. It was like my soul was melting. I watched an episode of Big Brother, made and ate dinner and played two rousing games of Sudoku before this ended. Pressing that speed button again was like having an ice cream cone after three years of deprivation...

Day 42: Do something you'll regret. I adopted 3 dogs. Also, house condemned! Move your sims out for three days. (I used my get out of event card for this. I was not moving out this many sims while playing in slow motion. No no no.)
Build roll: Nothing 
You will also notice in this screenshot my kids all graduated from that school they never attended. Among other things they received great rewards like Most likely to be mediocre and Most likely to burn down their own house.
Day 45: We are one. Merge two sims into one by killing one, and giving half their traits and some of their appearance to another. Almost all my males sims looked alike, so this wasn't that exciting, but it was still fun.
 Perk: Make pretty again. I skipped this because it didn't really matter to me. She lost her bucket hat when she aged up anyhow.
Day 48: HURRICANE! Delete half of your house.
Day 51: Buy a gnome. Well I had this useless space where my washer/dryer used to go, so why not give the gnome his own bedroom!
Day 53: Social services takes away all my pets. This of course made all of my sims cry for two days. And if you think I didn't regret these pets before now,  you're mistaken. Three dogs and a cat peeing on my floor, scratching at my furniture and spazzing out on my hateful children. Well, that last part was kind of fun.
Day 54: Deal or no Deal. Pick a number, roll die, win "motherlode" if your number is rolled. Picked four, rolled three.
Perk: Mustache card.
Day 56 Build roll: Nothing
Day 57: Blue skin disease. (While I didn't mind this, one should note that when you go into CAS this resets the number of days your sim is into her current life state. My sim went from days away from dead to fresh elder and I didn't have master controller to fix it)
Day 60: On this day, the greatest of days, my sim finally reached the top of her career. Yup, seven babies, an incredibly high amount of unplanned days off, and she finally managed to become an astronaut in that military career we rolled so long ago...
Day 60 ROLL: Sim fired. 

Yup. Fired.

Day 63: Adoption! Rolled Neat/Insane/Name Kitty
Perk: Nothing
Day 66: We can't live without you. Must turn off free will and control all the sims in my household. This was a tedious three days, but after playing in slow motion it was practically a breath of fresh air. Though since my kids aren't allowed in school, I had to play this kid every day, too.

Day 69: Medieval times. Remove fridge, stove, dishwasher, lights, computers, televisions, showers and phones. Since I don't control my children, there was a good chance they weren't going to survive the medieval times.
Day 70 Build roll: Nothing

Day 71: And Kitty didn't make it. Good ole starvation.
Day 72: Super drafted! All young adults through elder must join the military. You're really funny random thing generator. So funny.
Perk: Nothing
Day 75: I broke it. Must roll everyday for three days. Also, in case you're wondering what it's like when your house doesn't have walls or a roof...let's just say winters are a bit nippy.
Day 76: Kidnapping! Steal all babies and toddlers in the neighborhood. There was literally NO babies or toddlers in my entire neighborhood. I did not know this was even possible.

Day 77: Garden dies. Mmk, well, good thing I didn't take up gardening.

Day 78: Prison! Enclose a sim in a room for three days with only a bed, toilet and sink. Food must be dragged to them. Also, kill a sim.
Day 81: Double Adoption. First rolled - No eyelashes, ugly hair, least favorite traits (technophobe, loser, neurotic). Second rolled - Purple hair, white eyes, all hated traits (light sleeper, snob, diva)
While writing this part of the post, I also sucked a bug up my nose. These two are bad luck.
Perk: Nothing
Day 84: Double death. Haha...well that's convenient. Clearly a double death should follow a double adoption. They did nothing for three days except terrorize my older children anyhow.
Day 84 Build Roll: Nothing
Day 87: Roll twice. Snowed In! No one can leave the house for three days. Broke it! Can't roll for six days.

Oh, by the way, remember all those sims I mercilessly slaughtered over the course of my sims life? Don't think they just went away. This is a typical night in the Keen household.

Day 89: Sue Keen dies of natural causes at the age of 106 sim days (Plus however many I lost in CAS), with 235,000 unspent lifetime reward points and three children left standing out of ten.

If you made it this far, I hope it gave you even a tenth of the enjoyment this challenge gave me. If you're still not convinced to try it, I don't know what to tell you. You clearly do not posses a fun trait. Thank you again to the creators of this challenge. It was incredibly fun, and when more choices are added later on down the road, I will 100% be doing this challenge again. 

Did I mention you should go here?